Search Results for: antarctica

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1,385 results
  1. Science & Society

    Human evolution, biomimicry and more go on display

    A new human evolution gallery and a lecture series on Europa are among science events to explore in February 2016.

  2. Animals

    Windy days mean smaller meals for little penguin chicks

    Wind speed appears to affect how much food little penguins can bring home for their chicks.

  3. Earth

    Hidden water found deep beneath Antarctica desert valley

    New imaging reveals liquid water network beneath Antarctica’s McMurdo Dry Valleys that could support microbial life.

  4. Animals

    Chubby king penguins wobble when they waddle

    King penguins’ weight gain makes their waddle a bit wobbly, study suggests.

  5. Planetary Science

    Satellite captures double solar eclipse in action

    NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory caught a rare double eclipse as both Earth and the moon partially blocked the sun.

  6. Climate

    Antarctic ice shelves rapidly melting

    Melting around Antarctica is accelerating, with several ice shelves projected to vanish entirely within 100 years.

  7. Oceans

    Blooming phytoplankton seed clouds in the Southern Ocean

    Booming phytoplankton populations spark cloud formation in the Southern Ocean.

  8. Earth

    Year in review: Life thrives under Antarctica

    Thousands of microbe species thrive in Lake Whillans deep beneath the West Antarctic ice sheet.

  9. Astronomy

    Two stars were once considered coldest known

    Two stars once thought to be the coldest known are actually scorching compared with some truly frigid brown dwarfs.

  10. Animals

    Newly discovered yeti crab swarms around Antarctic hydrothermal vents

    A newly discovered species of yeti crab thrives in tough conditions on Antarctic hydrothermal vents.

  11. Animals

    Marine biologist chronicles a lifelong love of fishing

    In A Naturalist Goes Fishing, a marine biologist takes readers on a round-the-world fishing expedition

  12. Climate

    Wildfire seasons have gotten almost 20 percent longer

    The average length of wildfire seasons has increased 18.7 percent since 1979, new research shows.
