Search Results for: Virus

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6,170 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Body & Brain

    A hidden herpes risk, the rapid effects of a high-fat diet, explaining seniors' early rising and more in this week's news.

  2. Life

    Friendly fire blamed in some H1N1 deaths

    A poorly targeted immune response to the 2009 pandemic flu virus caused young adults and the middle-aged to suffer more than usual.

  3. Letters

    Quality check Thank you for great reporting. I’m a longtime subscriber to Science News (since the 1970s) and want to compliment your reporters, writers and editors on the high quality of your articles, which often involve material that is difficult to explain. They make the news of science understandable, informative and entertaining. Hopefully, publications like […]

  4. Life

    Body attacks lab-made stem cells

    In mice, the immune system targets and destroys reprogrammed adult skin cells, raising questions about their medical potential.

  5. Physics

    X-raying life’s microscopic machinery

    A powerful new laser technique promises to reveal the cell’s molecular components in detailed, 3-D images.

  6. Life

    Bee mystery not over yet

    News reports overstate recent findings.

  7. Life

    Genes & Cells

    Family ties in memory and breast cancer, plus diagnosing ancient deaths and more in this week’s news.

  8. Life

    Aspens bust, diseased mice boom

    As trees decline, populations of rodents that carry the deadly sin nombre virus are on the rise.

  9. Humans

    Obesity compromises ability to fend off H1N1 flu

    Think you’ll easily survive a bout of H1N1 swine flu? Fat chance – if you’re really fat. New research points to a likely explanation for this weighty vulnerability: a failure of the immune system to rev up as strongly as it should.

  10. Enzyme revives long-term memories

    Increasing levels of a natural substance in the brain helps rats remember old times.

  11. 2011 Science News of the Year: Body & Brain

    CHAD SHAW, BRIAN DAWSON, YASUNARI SAKAI, H. ZOGHBI Sifting through autism’s tangled web Each person with an autism spectrum disorder has a different disease, yet some commonalities exist, a flurry of studies reveals (SN: 8/13/11, p. 20). Though the finds don’t point to a clear cause or a cure, they inch researchers closer to a […]

  12. Health & Medicine

    Everyone poops his or her own viruses

    The viral denizens of a person’s intestines are unique and don’t change much over time, a study suggests.
