Search Results for: Virus

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6,203 results

6,203 results for: Virus

  1. No Time to Lose: A Life in Pursuit of Deadly Viruses by Peter Piot

    A microbiologist tells tales of his adventures in Africa battling infectious diseases from Ebola to AIDS. W.W. Norton & Co., 2012, 304 p., $28.95

  2. Health & Medicine

    Catching a Cancer

    The official figure for the percentage of human cancers caused by viruses is around 20 percent — but most experts concede that number is largely an educated guess

  3. Microbes

    Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic

  4. Life

    Rabies resistance arises in backwater thick with vampire bats

    Residents of two remote Peruvian communities appear to have survived infection by the deadly virus.

  5. Life

    Second of two blocked flu papers released

    Held back for months by a U.S. government biosafety board, the research pinpoints five mutations that render the potent H5N1 virus transmissible through air.

  6. Life

    Virus proves protective against lupus in mice

    A mouse version of Epstein-Barr seems to prevent, not trigger, symptoms of the autoimmune disease.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Black women may have highest multiple sclerosis rates

    Large study counters common assumption that whites get MS more.

  8. Health & Medicine

    First dengue vaccine trial disappoints

    The shots protect against three of the four viral subtypes, failing to deliver full protection, a study in Thailand shows.

  9. Life

    Controversial flu research published

    One of two papers detailing airborne H5N1 experiments is released.

  10. Life

    View to a cell

    In 2013, Science News published a photo essay highlighting advances in microscopy that illuminate life within us, work that has now earned three researchers the 2014 Nobel Prize in chemistry.

  11. Designer Flu

    How scientists made a killer virus airborne — and who should know.

  12. Psychology

    Light found in cocaine addiction tunnel

    Using lasers, scientists target a sluggish set of neurons in rats to ease drug compulsion.
