Search Results for: Virus

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6,170 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    HIV returns in girl once considered cured of the infection

    An infant girl, once thought to be cured of HIV, now has detectable levels of the virus.

  2. Life

    Polio could return after near eradication

    Polio was considered eliminated in the United States by 1979, but since then vaccination rates have slipped, prompting concerns about reemergence.

  3. Life

    Designer T cells emerge as weapons against disease

    Decades of attempts to boost the immune system’s ability to fight disease are finally starting to pay off. Reprogrammed T cells serve as new weapons against cancer and autoimmune diseases.

  4. Tech

    ‘Virtual Unreality’ chronicles dangers of digital deception

    Journalist Charles Seife documents how the lies and misinformation that riddle the Internet are harming the real world.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Camels implicated as possible hosts of MERS virus

    Antibodies to a mysterious pathogen that has sickened 94 people were found in camels in Oman and the Canary Islands.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Antibodies show progress against HIV

    Proteins suppress disease in monkeys, but don’t cure it.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Two U.S. health care workers fall ill after treating patient with MERS

    Two Florida hospital employees have reportedly fallen ill with flulike symptoms after coming in contact with a patient suffering from MERS.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Second MERS case in U.S. confirmed

    A second health care worker has been diagnosed with MERS coronavirus in the United States.

  9. Animals

    MERS virus jumped several times from animals to humans

    More than one person caught new illness from bats, camels or other creatures.

  10. Life

    Bats’ cells evolve to battle MERS

  11. Life

    Typical American diet can damage immune system

    The typical American diet sends our good and bad gut microbes out of balance and can lead to inflammation and a host of problems.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Evidence mounts for bat origins of SARS

    New viruses in the mammals closely match the human form of the infection.
