Search Results for: Virus

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6,170 results
  1. Science & Society

    Home-brewed heroin: Hold the hype

    Now is the time to think about policy for synthetically produced morphine, but the process, if it bears out, is years away from working.

  2. Life

    Ebola vaccine shows promise for saving apes

    Results of a clinical trial suggest that vaccination of wild apes could protect them from infectious diseases.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Dengue vaccine offers partial protection

    Shots reduce severe cases of dengue among children in large study in Latin America.

  4. Health & Medicine

    First MERS case found in the U.S.

    Patient in Indiana had traveled from Arabian Peninsula, where most of the 463 cases of Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome have occurred.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Possible measles drug tests well in animals

    Compound that saves ferrets from viral infection might someday lead to measles treatment.

  6. Life

    Year in Review: A double dose of virus scares

    Outbreaks of two deadly viruses captured the world’s attention in 2013, but neither turned into the global pandemic expected to strike one of these years.

  7. Chemistry

    Nanoparticles in foods raise safety questions

    As scientists cook up ways to improve palatability and even make foods healthier, some are considering the potential health risks of tiny additives.

  8. Life

    Common lung infection suffocates with single protein

    A Respiratory Syncytial Virus, or RSV, protein creates clumps of dead, bloblike lung cells.

  9. Microbes

    Virus-thwarting mosquitoes decline on Vietnamese island

    Scientists plan to release second generation of mosquitoes that stop the spread of dengue fever.

  10. Neuroscience

    The molecular path of best resilience

    Many studies focus on susceptibility to stress and how it triggers depression. But a new study highlights a protein important in resilience, showing that resisting stress takes work, too.

  11. Microbes

    Vaccines and gut microbes join forces to fight flu

    Losing gut microbes weakens the protective ability of the flu vaccine in mice.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Hepatitis C treatment appears extremely effective

    A mix of four medications has provided the most effective way to date to counter the hepatitis C virus in humans.
