Search Results for: Virus

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6,170 results
  1. Science & Society

    White House budget plan would slash science

    President Donald Trump’s budget proposal for fiscal year 2018 includes some big cuts for science.

  2. Genetics

    Asian tiger mosquito genome sequenced

    Researchers have sequenced the genome of the Asian tiger mosquito, a stealthy invasive species and carrier of tropical diseases.

  3. Life

    Antibody that fights MERS found

    Scientists have isolated a human immune protein that fights the MERS virus in mice.

  4. Science & Society

    Biologist Kate Rubins’ big dream takes her to the space station

    Molecular biologist Kate Rubins led a 14-person virology lab before becoming an astronaut. She heads to the International Space Station on June 24.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Pay attention to that under-the-weather feeling

    People can forecast their likelihood of catching colds by rating their own health, study shows.

  6. Genetics

    Ebola virus not mutating as quickly as thought

    The virus causing the current Ebola epidemic in West Africa is not evolving as quickly as some scientists had suggested.

  7. Genetics

    ‘Junk DNA’ has value for roundworms

    Some “junk DNA” may be necessary to keep genes active.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Should C-section babies get wiped down with vagina microbes?

    A study suggests that a post-birth rubdown with vaginal fluid offers starter microbes to babies born by C-section. But it might not always be a good idea.

  9. Health & Medicine

    ‘Vomiting device’ sounds gross but it helps study infections

    Scientists created a “vomiting device” to study how norovirus spreads through the air.

  10. Genetics

    Dolly the Sheep’s cloned sisters aging gracefully

    Cloning doesn’t cause premature aging in sheep.

  11. Life

    MERS virus didn’t morph in its move to South Korea

    No obvious changes in the MERS virus account for its rapid spread in South Korea.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Anatomy of the South Korean MERS outbreak

    The Middle East respiratory syndrome virus, which infected 186 people in South Korea in 2015, quickly spread within and between hospitals via a handful of “superspreaders.”
