Search Results for: Virus

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6,170 results
  1. Climate

    Warmer waters bring earlier plankton blooms

    As oceans warm, phytoplankton grow quickly.

  2. Life

    Racing for answers on Zika

    In the latest issue of Science News, Editor in Chief Eva Emerson talks Zika virus, microbes, nutrition and mental health.

  3. Health & Medicine

    ‘Dirty’ mice better than lab-raised mice for studying human disease

    Dirtier mice may better mimic human immune reactions.

  4. Ecosystems

    FDA predicts no significant environmental impact from GM mosquitoes

    The FDA has taken a step in the process of deciding whether to allow the first test release in the United States of genetically modified mosquitoes to fight diseases such as Zika.

  5. Genetics

    Liberia’s Ebola outbreak largely traced to one source

    Ebola’s spread and evolution in Liberia echoes patterns seen in Sierra Leone.

  6. Chemistry

    New, greener catalysts are built for speed

    Researchers are designing catalysts to move chemical reactions without using precious metals, or at least using less of them.

  7. Life

    Cats versus viruses: Arms race goes back millennia

    A special protein has been protecting cats from feline AIDS for at least 60,000 years, genetic analysis suggests.

  8. Animals

    Cat-versus-virus arms race goes back millennia

    Researchers have found evidence of an ancient arms race between Felis silvestris catus, the species familiar today as the domestic cat, and feline immuno­deficiency virus.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Gene behavior distinguishes viral from bacterial infections

    Researchers have identified signatures of viral infection, a distinction that may help doctors tell whether bacteria or a virus is causing trouble.

  10. Science & Society

    2016 Nobels: Science News fans read it here first

    Editor in chief Eva Emerson discusses Nobel-winning science and what the future may hold.

  11. Animals

    Ticks are here to stay. But scientists are finding ways to outsmart them

    Researchers acknowledge that there’s no getting rid of ticks, so they are developing ways to make them less dangerous.

  12. Genetics

    To study Galápagos cormorants, a geneticist gets creative

    To collect DNA from four cormorant species, this scientist called in bird scientists far and wide.
