Search Results for: Virus

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6,170 results
  1. Science & Society

    What’s ahead for science in 2017?

    Science News writers reveal what they are watching for — and hoping for — in the year ahead.

  2. Life

    Zika structure mapped for first time

    The newly solved structure of Zika offers scientists clues on how to combat the virus.

  3. Genetics

    Zika may have flown to Brazil in 2013

    The brand of Zika currently floating around the Americas traces its origins to Asia and may have arrived in Brazil by air as early as 2013.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Zika epidemic peaking in Latin America

    Zika virus is burning through the population of Latin America; the epidemic will probably be over within two years, and won’t strike again for at least 10 years or more, a new analysis suggests.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Brazil study strengthens link between Zika virus, birth defects

    In a study of pregnant women in Brazil, nearly 30 percent of those infected with Zika virus had babies with fetal abnormalities.

  6. Health & Medicine

    This week in Zika: New mouse model, virus vs. placenta, nerve insulation loss

    In three new papers, scientists present a tool for studying Zika, strike down a theory of infection and offer a broad look at what the virus does to the brain.

  7. Health & Medicine

    WHO declares international emergency for cases linked to Zika virus

    The recent spate of birth defects and neurological disorders linked to Zika virus infection constitutes an international public health emergency, the World Health Organization declared February 1.

  8. Health & Medicine

    This week in Zika: Haiti hit early, possible monkey hosts, and more

    A new test for Zika, how Haiti fits into the outbreak timeline, a look at monkeys that can carry the virus, and more in this week’s Zika Watch.

  9. Science & Society

    FDA OKs first GM mosquito trial in U.S. but hurdles remain

    The FDA has concluded that test releases of Oxitec GM mosquitoes on a Florida key poses no significant problem for the environment, but local officials still have to agree

  10. Neuroscience

    Brain cells aglow after viral delivery

    The virus AAV-PHP.B proves best at delivering genes to brain cells in mice. Similar viruses may eventually be used for gene therapy in humans.

  11. Animals

    Readers dispute starfishes’ water-swirling abilities

    Volcanic eruptions, fast-freezing water, starfish physics and more in reader feedback.

  12. Life

    Scientists dig up proteins from the past

    To learn how today’s proteins evolved, scientists are reconstructing ancient molecules.
