Search Results for: Virus

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6,170 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Ebola vaccine proves effective, final trial results show

    The Ebola vaccine rVSV-ZEBOV proved effective at stopping the spread of the virus in a clinical trial in West Africa.

  2. Plants

    Sneaky virus helps plants multiply, creating more hosts

    Plant virus makes hosts more attractive to pollinators, ensuring future virus-susceptible plants.

  3. Ecosystems

    Ocean plankton held hostage by pirate viruses

    The most abundant photosynthesizers on Earth stop storing carbon when they catch a virus.

  4. Science & Society

    The year of gravitational waves, Zika and more

    Editor in chief Eva Emerson discusses the top science news stories of 2016.

  5. Animals

    Flying insects tell tales of long-distance migrations

    Researchers are asking big questions about animal movements and pest control by tracking tiny insects in flight.

  6. Life

    CRISPR had a life before it became a gene-editing tool

    Before it was a tool, CRISPR was a weapon in the never-ending war between microbes and viruses

  7. Genetics

    Jumping genes play a big role in what makes us human

    Jumping genes have been a powerful force in human evolution.

  8. Genetics

    Zika disrupts cellular processes to impair brain development

    Discoveries about how Zika virus slows brain cell development could lead to treatments.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Mosquitoes in Florida now spreading Zika virus, health officials warn

    Florida adds 10 new cases of locally acquired Zika infection, prompting the CDC to issue travel warning for pregnant women. Mosquitoes in Miami may be resistant to insecticides.

  10. Anthropology

    Christina Warinner uncovers ancient tales in dental plaque

    Molecular biologist Christina Warinner studies calculus, or fossilized dental plaque, which contains a trove of genetic clues to past human diet and disease.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Mosquito moms can pass Zika to offspring

    In the lab, Zika virus can pass from a female mosquito to her eggs, suggesting how infections can flare up again after adult insects dwindle.

  12. Life

    Bacteria genes offer new strategy for sterilizing mosquitoes

    Two genes in Wolbachia bacteria could be used to sterilize mosquitoes that transmit Zika.
