Search Results for: Virus

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6,170 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Cruise ship outbreak helps pin down how deadly the new coronavirus is

    Infections and deaths on the Diamond Princess suggest that, in the real world, 0.5 percent of COVID-19 infections in China end in death.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Disabling one protein might one day lead to a cure for the common cold

    Scientists have identified a protein in humans that some viruses, including those that cause colds, need to spread.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Long-lasting shots work better than daily pills to prevent HIV in at-risk women

    A more discreet HIV prevention method — a shot once every eight weeks —could help to boost use in women at risk.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Why some heart patients may be especially vulnerable to COVID-19

    Researchers don’t yet know if the way the coronavirus enters cells may have something to do with the risks to the heart.

  5. Life

    How two new fungus species got named after the COVID-19 pandemic

    Tiny fuzz on a beetle and fake leopard spots on palms now have Latin names that will forever nod to the new coronavirus.

  6. Health & Medicine

    New details on immune system ‘amnesia’ show how measles causes long-term damage

    Measles wipes the memories of immune cells in the body.

  7. Health & Medicine

    4 reasons you shouldn’t trash your neck gaiter based on the new mask study

    Despite news coverage to the contrary, the study was meant to figure out how to evaluate masks, not actually do the comparison.

  8. Health & Medicine

    A new dengue vaccine shows promise — at least for now

    The latest vaccine against dengue shows promise in protecting children from the disease, but will need longer term study to ensure kids are safe from future infections.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Door-to-door tests help track COVID-19’s spread in one Oregon town

    Surveying neighborhoods directly may give a more accurate view than mail-in tests and other methods, researchers say.

  10. Psychology

    In the social distancing era, boredom may pose a public health threat

    Boredom contributes to pandemic fatigue and may account for why some people don’t follow social distancing rules.

  11. Health & Medicine

    COVID-19 plasma treatments may be safe, but we don’t know if they work

    Blood plasma from COVID-19 survivors can be used to treat hospitalized patients, FDA says, but researchers question how well it works.

  12. Health & Medicine

    People who didn’t know they had COVID-19 drove its spread in China

    A new study suggests that mild cases, in which people have no symptoms or don’t get sick enough to go to a doctor, are fueling the coronavirus pandemic.
