Search Results for: Virus

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6,170 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    A critically ill COVID-19 patient just got a double lung transplant

    A young woman whose lungs could not recover from the coronavirus infection is doing well after a double lung transplant.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Here’s why COVID-19 vaccines like Pfizer’s need to be kept so cold

    Both Pfizer and Moderna built their vaccines on RNA. Freezing them keeps their fragile components from breaking down.

  3. Readers ask about dust in space, playgrounds, and COVID-19

  4. Health & Medicine

    The first U.S. case of a new coronavirus has been confirmed

    After confirmation that a new coronavirus is transmissible between humans, U.S. health officials report a first case in Seattle.

  5. Health & Medicine

    COVID-19 case clusters offer lessons and warnings for reopening

    As restaurants, offices and other businesses open, trends in where and how COVID-19 transmission is happening could help guide re-entry strategies.

  6. Genetics

    Penicillin allergies may be linked to one immune system gene

    Researchers have located a shared hot spot — on the HLA-B gene — in the immune system in people who say they have penicillin allergies.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Scientists question White House measures to limit spread of coronavirus

    The White House announced new steps to fight the coronavirus outbreak, in what’s becoming one of the biggest public health challenges in decades.

  8. Science & Society

    The U.S. largely wasted time bought by COVID-19 lockdowns. Now what?

    As states reopen, most don’t have adequate systems in place to test, trace and isolate new COVID-19 cases, setting the stage for future outbreaks.

  9. Health & Medicine

    A more convenient, monthly treatment for HIV cleared a key hurdle

    Two phase III clinical trials suggest that a once-a-month injection of antiretroviral drugs treats HIV just as well as daily pill regimes.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Protecting the brain from infection may start with a gut reaction

    In mice, immune cells in the meninges are trained to battle infections in the gut before migrating to the brain.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Millions of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. may have gone undiagnosed in March

    Millions of people in the United States went to the doctor in March with influenza-like symptoms. Many may have had COVID-19, a study suggests.

  12. Health & Medicine

    6 key coronavirus numbers you should know

    COVID-19 cases and deaths are going up around the world. Here are numbers to help you understand the outbreak.
