Search Results for: Virus

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6,170 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    How making a COVID-19 vaccine confronts thorny ethical issues

    COVID-19 vaccines will face plenty of ethical questions. Concerns arise long before anything is loaded into a syringe.

  2. Life

    Bats’ immune defenses may be why their viruses can be so deadly to people

    A new study of cells in lab dishes hints at why viruses found in bats tend to be so dangerous when they jump to other animals.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Warm weather probably won’t slow COVID-19 transmission much

    While some evidence has suggested higher temperatures can affect coronavirus transmission, summer’s arrival probably won’t curb the pandemic much.

  4. Health & Medicine

    COVID-19 kills more men than women. The immune system may be why

    Countries with sex-specific data report more men than women are dying of the coronavirus. Women’s stronger immune response may give them a leg up.

  5. Animals

    A cat appears to have caught the coronavirus, but it’s complicated

    While a cat in Belgium seems to be the first feline infected with SARS-CoV-2, it’s still unclear how susceptible pets are to the disease.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Five big questions about when and how to open schools amid COVID-19

    Researchers weigh in on how to get children back into classrooms in a low-risk way.

  7. Health & Medicine

    How antibody tests work and could help fight the coronavirus

    Coronavirus antibody tests look for signs in the blood that someone has had an infection and recovered, and could take only a finger prick.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Repurposed drugs may help scientists fight the new coronavirus

    Work on similar viruses is giving researchers clues on how to begin developing drugs against the new disease.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Steroids reduce deaths of critically ill COVID-19 patients, WHO confirms

    The finding strengthens evidence that clinicians should give the drugs to people who are severely sick from the coronavirus.

  10. Health & Medicine

    The U.K. is the first country to authorize a fully tested COVID-19 vaccine

    Pfizer will deliver the first of 40 million doses of its coronavirus vaccine promised to the United Kingdom in the coming days.

  11. Health & Medicine

    The ‘last mile’ for COVID-19 vaccines could be the biggest challenge yet

    The need for cold storage and booster shots could create problems for distributing coronavirus vaccines to nearly everyone in the world.

  12. Health & Medicine

    SARS and the new coronavirus target the same cellular lock to infect cells

    Experiments with living cells grown in the lab show that 2019-nCoV enters cells the same way as SARS.
