Search Results for: Virus

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6,170 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    The antidepressant fluvoxamine could keep mild COVID-19 from worsening

    Newly infected patients who chose to take fluvoxamine quickly recovered, while 12.5 percent who didn’t wound up hospitalized.

  2. Health & Medicine

    There’s no evidence the coronavirus jumped from pangolins to people

    Pangolins captured in anti-smuggling activities in southern China were found to harbor viruses related to the new coronavirus.

  3. Health & Medicine

    T cells may help COVID-19 patients — and people never exposed to the virus

    Researchers found certain immune cells that help the body fight off an infection in the blood of people who recovered from a coronavirus infection.

  4. We have learned much, and need to learn much more

    Editor in chief Nancy Shute writes about the challenges of covering emerging scientific discoveries in the time of COVID-19.

  5. Life

    A glowing zebrafish wins the 2020 Nikon Small World photography contest

    The annual competition features snapshots that use microscopy to reveal some of Earth’s smallest hidden marvels.

  6. Health & Medicine

    What coronavirus antibody tests tell us — and what they don’t

    Antibody tests can give a clearer picture of who has been infected but don’t guarantee immunity for those who test positive.

  7. Materials Science

    Microscopic images reveal the science and beauty of face masks

    Important insights into the particle-filtering properties of different fabrics also offer a sense of the unseen, textured world of face masks.

  8. Health & Medicine

    As we wait for a vaccine, here’s a snapshot of potential COVID-19 treatments

    Though a vaccine remains the ultimate goal, researchers are on the hunt for new ways to treat COVID-19.

  9. Health & Medicine

    What you need to know about the airborne transmission of COVID-19

    More than 200 experts have implored the World Health Organization to acknowledge that the coronavirus can spread through the air.

  10. Health & Medicine

    There are two versions of the coronavirus. One’s not more dangerous than the other

    Factors such as a person’s age and white blood cell counts matter more for disease severity when it comes to COVID-19, a study finds.

  11. Life

    A plant gene may have helped whiteflies become a major pest

    An agricultural pest may owe part of its success to a plant detox gene it acquired long ago that lets the insect neutralize common defenses.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Coronavirus is most contagious before and during the first week of symptoms

    As major efforts to contain the COVID-19 pandemic go into effect around the globe, researchers are figuring out just when patients are most contagious.
