Search Results for: Virus

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6,170 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Hydroxychloroquine can’t stop COVID-19. It’s time to move on, scientists say

    Hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work as antiviral or a treatment for COVID-19, an abundance of scientific data suggest.

  2. Health & Medicine

    A Brazilian city devastated by COVID-19 may have reached herd immunity

    Up to half of Manaus was infected at the epidemic’s peak, which slowed further spread of the virus but also led to many deaths, scientists say.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Masks help new moms with COVID-19 safely breastfeed their babies

    A study reports newborns could be held and breastfed safely when moms with COVID-19 wore masks and cleaned their hands.

  4. Readers react to birds colliding with wind turbines, mysterious muons and more

  5. Health & Medicine

    Is the coronavirus mutating? Yes. But here’s why you don’t need to panic

    Some studies claim there are new strains of the coronavirus, but lab experiments are needed to see if mutations are changing how it infects cells.

  6. Health & Medicine

    How four summer camps in Maine prevented COVID-19 outbreaks

    More than 1,000 kids and staff members from all over the country attended the camps, but only three people ended up testing positive for the virus.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Coronavirus outbreak at a Georgia overnight camp infected over 200 kids and staff

    A report documenting a COVID-19 outbreak in Georgia hints that children might play a key role in spreading the virus.

  8. Health & Medicine

    New Pfizer results show its COVID-19 vaccine is nearly 95% effective

    With final results – including showing its vaccine is 94 percent effective in the elderly – Pfizer is poised to request emergency use authorization.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Moderna says its COVID-19 vaccine is nearly 95 percent effective

    Another coronavirus vaccine appears to be very effective in preventing people from developing COVID-19 symptoms.

  10. Readers ask about exoplanet heating sources, combating climate change and COVID-19

  11. Health & Medicine

    How 5 universities tried to handle COVID-19 on campus

    U.S. colleges opened in the fall with a patchwork of control measures to keep COVID-19 at bay.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Here’s what we know about the risks of serious side effects from COVID-19 vaccines

    Allergic reactions, blood clots and possibly heart problems are rare and their risks don’t outweigh the benefits of getting vaccinated, experts say.
