Search Results for: Virus

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6,170 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Blood donations show that the United States is still nowhere near herd immunity

    Testing donated blood for antibodies to the coronavirus highlights that the vast majority of the United States remains susceptible to infection.

  2. Readers ask about bat viruses and coronavirus

  3. With a pandemic, impatience can be deadly

    Editor in chief Nancy Shute writes about pandemic fatigue and the importance of patience in the face of uncertainty.

  4. Science & Society

    This COVID-19 pandemic timeline shows how fast the coronavirus took over our lives

    Look back on how the coronavirus pandemic took over 2020 and how efforts to fight back evolved.

  5. When a new virus breaks

    We’ve been covering the novel coronavirus outbreak from the beginning, with multiple reporters tracking down answers to questions readers may have and asking a lot of questions of our own.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Rogue immune system reactions hint at an early treatment for COVID-19

    A comprehensive look at the immune system shows multiple ways it misfires in COVID-19. Treating with interferon early might prevent trouble later.

  7. Health & Medicine

    After vaccinating 95 percent of adults, a Brazilian city is returning to normal

    An experiment to vaccinate all adults against COVID-19 in Serrana shows that widespread immunization drastically cuts hospitalizations and deaths.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Vaccinating people in developing countries costs far less than doing nothing

    Shots for half the adults in those countries will cost $9.3 billion, the Rockefeller Foundation reports. Doing nothing could cost trillions.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Antibodies made in the lab show some promise for treating COVID-19

    Preliminary results from two companies hint that the proteins can help COVID-19 patients from needing hospitalization or ventilation.

  10. Health & Medicine

    How a small city in Brazil may reveal how fast vaccines can curb COVID-19

    Almost all adults in Serrana, Brazil, got COVID-19 shots. That may help answer questions about how well vaccines will work to end the pandemic.

  11. Health & Medicine

    COVID-19 vaccines may be ready for teens this summer

    Vaccinating children against COVID-19 is a crucial step towards reaching herd immunity and returning to pre-pandemic life.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine recommended for adolescents by CDC committee

    With the vaccine cleared for high schoolers and many middle schoolers, focus now turns to clinical trials testing COVID-19 vaccines in younger kids.
