Search Results for: Virus

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6,170 results
  1. Humans

    Science Smarts: Talent search honors top student projects in math, science, and engineering

    Forty students reaped rewards for their excellence this week when the Intel Science Talent Search handed out the top awards in its 2002 competition for high school seniors.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Stem cell research marches on

    Cells from human embryos can be transformed into heart cells or insulin-secreting cells.

  3. Health & Medicine

    A Cold Observation about Wine (with recipe)

    Show this story to your boss, and she might just offer you a glass or two of wine. After all, downing this beverage–especially the red varieties–appears to help ward off the common cold, according to a new study. Though colds usually arent dire, they remain one of the leading causes of missed days at work. […]

  4. Health & Medicine

    Synthetic protein may yield malaria vaccine

    A molecule patterned after part of the parasite that causes most severe malaria induces a strong immune response in people.

  5. Computing

    Motif for Infection

    A novel computer program pinpoints proteins of troublesome bacteria.

  6. Earth

    Stemming the Tide

    New approaches to stopping the introduction by ships of invasive species to North American waters are beginning to show promise but have a long way to go.

  7. Gene therapy won’t replace Viagra—yet

    Scientists are making progress toward inserting genes to cure impotence temporarily.

  8. Chemistry


    Scientists are turning carbon-cage molecules called fullerenes into drug candidates and medical diagnostic tools.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Gene Therapy for Sickle-Cell Disease?

    By adding a useful gene to offset the effects of a faulty one, scientists have devised a gene therapy that prevents sickle-cell anemia in mice.

  10. Tech

    Circuitry in a nanowire: Novel growth method may transform chips

    Made from alternating bands of different semiconductors, a new type of superthin wire incorporates working electronic and optical devices within the wire itself, raising the prospect of making extremely tiny and versatile circuits from the striped filaments.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Death of a theory

    Three separate analyses of oral polio vaccine used in the 1950s in Africa deflate the theory that such a vaccine could have ignited the AIDS epidemic by containing virus-infected chimpanzee cells.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Infections tied to head and neck cancers

    Infections from human papillomavirus (HPV) may increase the risk of certain cancers of the head and neck, especially of the tonsils.
