Search Results for: Virus

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6,170 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Vaccine for All? Math model supports mass smallpox inoculation

    Vaccinating an entire city in response to a smallpox terrorist attack would save thousands more lives than would quarantining infected people and vaccinating anyone they contacted.

  2. Health & Medicine

    For Failing Hearts: Gene therapy stops decline in animals

    Tests in hamsters have raised hopes for creating a gene therapy to stop the common downward spiral of chronic heart failure.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Do liver stem cells come from bone marrow?

    Tests of liver tissue from people who've received liver or blood-marrow transplants show that stem cells in bone marrow can populate the liver as liver cells.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Lack of nutrient turns flu nasty

    A dietary deficiency in selenium, an essential trace mineral, may cause a usually harmless strain of the flu to mutate into a virulent pathogen.

  5. Materials Science

    Layered Approach

    A decade-old method for creating thin coatings is poised to move from the lab to countless low- and high-tech products.

  6. Hey, we’re richer than we thought!

    The latest inventory of life in the United States has turned up an extra 100,000 species of plants, animals, and fungi.

  7. Health & Medicine

    New drugs help battle HIV

    Three potential drugs in development rely on novel tactics for attacking the virus that causes AIDS.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Inducing eye-tumor cells to self-destruct

    By restarting the subdued self-destruct signal in cancer cells, researchers studying eye cancers have found a way to stop these cancers in cell cultures and in a rabbit model.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Deciphering Virulence: Heart-harming bacteria flaunt unique viral genes

    By documenting genetic variation among bacteria responsible for a heart-damaging illness known as rheumatic fever, researchers may have opened paths to new preventive measures and treatments.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Two steps forward, one step back

    Just a few days after the National Institutes of Health announced it was canceling a large AIDS-vaccine trial, researchers reported preliminary results from a new vaccine that appears safe.

  11. Happy Anniversary

    In the 50 years since the discovery of DNA's double helix structure, scientists have developed striking new ways to visualize the molecule.

  12. Tech

    Crystal listens for telltale sounds of virus

    Scientists have built a device that can hear the movement of viral particles in fluids.
