Search Results for: Virus
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6,192 results for: Virus
Health & Medicine
West Nile Worries Are No Reason to Give Up Breast-feeding
West Nile virus infections are spreading like wildfire–and not just through bug bites. Although the vast majority of the nearly 2,800 U.S. cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) so far this year were picked up from mosquitoes, at least 3 people–and possibly 15–appear to have acquired the virus from infected […]
By Janet Raloff -
Health & Medicine
Sea Sickness: Despite cleaner cruises, diarrhea outbreaks persist
Improvements in vessel sanitation have apparently contributed to a gradual decline in diarrheal infections on cruise ships, but standard cleaning practices don't reliably wipe out the viruses that are behind a recent rash of outbreaks.
By Ben Harder -
Health & Medicine
Sea Sickness: Despite cleaner cruises, diarrhea outbreaks persist
Improvements in vessel sanitation have apparently contributed to a gradual decline in diarrheal infections on cruise ships, but standard cleaning practices don't reliably wipe out the viruses that are behind a recent rash of outbreaks.
By Ben Harder -
Health & Medicine
Immune protein may stall HIV
People who have HIV but don't progress to AIDS make extra perforin, a protein that helps kill infected cells.
By Nathan Seppa -
Health & Medicine
New Drugs Beat Old Flu: Antiviral agents counter deadly 1918 influenza
After partially recreating a deadly influenza virus that swept the globe from 1918 to 1919 and killed millions of people, researchers have shown that available flu drugs could probably prevent a new pandemic of the 1918 influenza strain or a similar flu.
By John Travis -
Moms and pups sniff out immune genes
Genes involved in the immune system also create individualized body odors that allow parents and offspring to recognize each other.
By John Travis -
Feline Finding: Mutations produce black house cats, jaguars
Mutations in two different genes, which lead to black fur in house cats, jaguars, and jaguarundis, may have protected the black felines from an epidemic long ago.
By John Travis -
Chimp Change: Did an HIV-like virus ravage early chimps?
Modern chimpanzees may be the offspring of survivors of an HIV-like pandemic that took place 2 million years ago.
By Kristin Cobb -
Health & Medicine
Do-It-Yourself: Virus recreated from synthetic DNA
In an experiment with implications for bioterrorism, scientists have used poliovirus' widely known genetic sequence to synthesize that virus from DNA and other chemicals.
By John Travis -
Health & Medicine
Nerve cells of ALS patients harbor virus
Fragments of viral genetic material show up with unusually high frequency in nerve tissue of patients with ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease, suggesting a link between the virus and this lethal illness.
By Nathan Seppa -
Health & Medicine
Virus gives cancer the cold treatment
A genetically engineered version of a common cold virus appears to kill cancer cells without harming healthy tissue.