Search Results for: Virus

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6,170 results
  1. 19245

    Your article refers to a virus as a “microbe.” I think of a virus more as a seed or spore. What definition is Science News using for the word? Neil MurphyWalnut Creek, Calif. Medical dictionaries differ in defining viruses as microbes . Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary Eleventh Edition ( 2003, Merriam-Webster ) says that viruses are […]

  2. Physics

    Tiny tubes tune in colors

    At the right length and conductivity, ultrathin filaments of carbon known as carbon nanotubes can receive visible light waves in the same the way as larger antennas receive radio signals.

  3. Health & Medicine

    SARS virus can spread in lab animals

    At least two types of mammals can acquire and transmit the virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), and Chinese animal traders have high rates of past exposure to the virus.

  4. Health & Medicine

    AIDS Vaccine Tests Well in Monkeys

    An experimental AIDS vaccine bolstered with two immune proteins protects rhesus monkeys from the disease even when they are exposed to a combination of simian and human immunodeficiency virus.

  5. Math

    Generous Players

    Game theory is helping to explain how cooperation and other self-sacrificing behaviors fit into natural selection.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Old-fashioned circumcision can spread herpes

    Boys whose ritual circumcisions involve an ancient, and now rare, practice may acquire herpes during the operation.

  7. Protein Portal: Enzyme acts as door for the SARS virus

    A protein that regulates blood pressure also serves as the cellular portal for the SARS virus.

  8. Trash to Treasure: Junk DNA influences eggs, early embryos

    A type of DNA once thought to be little more than genetic clutter may play a role in gene expression in mammalian eggs and newly formed embryos.

  9. Seek and Destroy: Virus attacks cancer, spares normal cells

    A virus carried by mosquitoes naturally homes in on cancer cells and destroys them.

  10. Bubble Trouble: Mad cow proteins may hitch a ride between cells

    Prions, the proteins behind mad cow disease, may travel between cells in bubbles called exosomes.

  11. Health & Medicine

    HIV outwits immune system, again

    The AIDS virus uses immune system proteins to hitch rides on the antibody factories known as B cells, possibly helping it find potential host cells.

  12. Health & Medicine

    HIV drugs may stop cervical disease

    A drug combination given to people with HIV, the AIDS virus, helps knock out precancerous cervical lesions in some women.
