Search Results for: Virus
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6,192 results for: Virus
Health & Medicine
Defenses Down: Mutation boosts West Nile risk
A genetic mutation has been identified that increases a person's susceptibility to West Nile virus.
By Nathan Seppa -
A Shot against Pandemic Flu: Vaccines would play pivotal role in response
Mass vaccination should be the linchpin of the U.S. response to an influenza pandemic, according to new computer simulations.
By Ben Harder -
West Nile virus fells endangered condor
A 3-month-old California condor chick, one of only four of this highly endangered species born in the wild this year, succumbed to a West Nile virus infection.
By Janet Raloff -
Health & Medicine
Male circumcision could avert millions of HIV infections
Mass circumcision of boys and men in sub-Saharan Africa could avert 2.7 million new cases of HIV infection over the next decade.
By Nathan Seppa -
Health & Medicine
See Blind Mice: Algae gene makes sightless eyes sense light
Scientists have prompted mouse-eye cells that aren't normally light sensitive to respond to light.
Network Inoculation: Antivirus shield would outrace cyber infections
As a new way to protect a computer network from viruses, an epidemic of antiviral protection could theoretically propagate faster through the network than the virus itself, thanks to a novel topological twist.
By Peter Weiss -
Health & Medicine
Vice Vaccines
Vaccines currently in development could give people a novel way to kick their addictions and lose weight.
Poor Devils: Critters’ fights transmit cancer
Tasmanian devils transmit cancer cells when they bite each other during routine squabbles, producing lesions that are often fatal.
Health & Medicine
Ebola may travel on the wing
Fruit bats can carry the Ebola virus, suggesting that they may spread it in Africa.
By Nathan Seppa -
Health & Medicine
Dangerous History
The genome of the TB bacterium has small but significant pockets of diversity, giving scientists new targets for preventing and treating the disease.
By Emily Sohn -
Health & Medicine
Milk Therapy
Breast milk has long been known to be the best food for babies, but compounds in breast milk promise to be a tonic for many adult ills as well.
Engineering a Cure: Genetically modified cells fight cancer
By inserting a gene into normal immune cells isolated from melanoma patients, scientists have turned the cells into cancer fighters.