Search Results for: Virus

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6,170 results
  1. Gene might underlie travelers’ diarrhea

    Travelers to Mexico who get diarrhea are more likely than healthy travelers to have a particular variant form of the gene for the glycoprotein lactoferrin.

  2. Tech

    Disappearing Ink

    Coming to your tattoo parlor soon: New inks that allow clients to have their designs cleanly erased if embarrassment or regret sets in.

  3. Health & Medicine

    For the Birds: New vaccines protect chickens from avian flu

    By piggybacking components of strains of avian-influenza virus onto an existing poultry vaccine, scientists have created experimental vaccines that can prevent bird flu in chickens.

  4. Animals

    Lobster Hygiene: Healthy animals quick to spot another’s ills

    Caribbean spiny lobsters will avoid sharing a den with another lobster that's coming down with a viral disease.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Salve for the Lungs: Aspirin might prevent asthma

    Regular use of aspirin may prevent healthy adults from developing asthma.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Fewer Drugs, Same Outcome: Simpler HIV regimens are effective

    In two studies, AIDS clinicians found that standard three-drug regimens fight HIV as well as four-drug treatments do, and that a single drug might maintain a patient's health once the virus is suppressed.

  7. Faster, Cheaper, Better

    Methods now under development could make DNA sequencing quicker and less expensive, paving the way for the day when treatments can be tailored to each person's genetic profile.

  8. Golden Eggs: Engineered hens lay drugs

    Researchers have genetically engineered hens that can not only produce useful drugs in their eggs but also reliably pass on this characteristic to new generations of chickens.

  9. Ecosystems

    Slime Dwellers

    The health of corals, and their adaptability in the face of adversity, may rest largely on the microbes they recruit into a slime that coats their surfaces.

  10. Humans

    Letters from the November 25, 2006, issue of Science News

    Wasted youth The experiments with mice infected with the 1918 influenza virus are important but not surprising (“The Bad Fight: Immune systems harmed 1918 flu patients,” SN: 9/30/06, p. 211). John Barry’s The Great Influenza: The Epic Story of the Deadliest Plague in History (2004, Viking) explains that many, perhaps most, of the victims were […]

  11. Health & Medicine

    AIDS Avoidance: More studies find that circumcision deters HIV

    Two large trials in Africa find that male circumcision limits HIV infection, which could prompt governments on that continent to promote or subsidize the operation.

  12. Tech

    Viral building blocks

    Proteins taken from a spherical virus and combined with pieces of DNA can form tubular nanostructures, researchers report.
