Search Results for: Virus

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6,170 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    West Nile Virus

    This Web site from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention examines the spread of West Nile virus across the United States, complete with up-to-date maps showing which states are hardest hit. The site also explores workplace safety, the biology behind the virus’ spread, and some fascinating history of West Nile, including the virus’ first […]

  2. Health & Medicine

    At iconic Asian temple, monkeys harbor viruses

    Temple sites in South and Southeast Asia that offer refuge to monkeys also shelter monkey viruses.

  3. Materials Science

    Savvy Skins

    Researchers are developing new coatings that incorporate multiple functions, offer chemical reactivity, or act in response to stimuli in the environment.

  4. Humans

    Mice, Magnetism, and Reactions on Solids

    The 2007 Nobel prizes in the sciences recognized research in genetics, materials science, and surface chemistry.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Proof of Protection: Condoms limit infection by cervical cancer virus

    Condom use reduces a woman's risk of being infected with human papillomavirus and of developing precancerous growths on the cervix.

  6. Tech

    Virus has the Midas touch

    Researchers have recruited a stringlike virus to carry nanoscale loads of gold that could serve as imaging agents in cancer diagnosis.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Taking a Jab at Cancer

    Vaccines that train a person's immune system to kill cancerous cells, when combined with drugs that block tumor defense mechanisms, are starting to show promise.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Visual Clarity: People with MS maintain eyesight with drug

    A drug for multiple sclerosis seems to prevent subtle vision loss in many patients.

  9. Tech

    Size Matters: Biosensors behave oddly when very small

    There might be a limit to how small physicists should build tiny sensors that detect viruses and molecules.

  10. Humans

    From the November 7, 1936, issue

    A tree's age, testing flu vaccine, and the polar ozone layer.

  11. Trichomoniasis-causing organism is sequenced

    Scientists have taken a first read of the genetic sequence of the organism responsible for a sexually transmitted infection called trichomoniasis.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Prep Work: Bird-flu vaccine might work better with primer

    Giving people a vaccine against an existing form of avian influenza might help them respond better when given a shot for a future strain of the virus during a pandemic.
