Search Results for: Virus

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6,170 results
  1. Potent Promise: Back to the Womb

    Reverting adult cells to an embryonic state without creating embryos is a tricky business.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Tripping up avian flu

    Developing an effective vaccine for avian flu has been difficult, but small rings of DNA that hinder virus replication could offer an alternative.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Virus Reprise: Mumps outbreak in 2006 was largest in 20 years

    Mumps infected more than 6,500 people in the United States in 2006, the largest outbreak in 20 years.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Finding the Golden Genes

    Advances in gene therapy could tempt some athletes to enhance their genetic makeup, leading some researchers to work on detection methods just in case.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Itchy and scratchy

    People with a close relative who has had shingles face a heightened risk of getting the skin disease, and should probably be first in line to get the vaccine.

  6. Life

    Cattle genome sequenced

    Researchers unlock the DNA of M-O-O.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Dengue virus found in donated blood

    Scientists have discovered that 12 units of blood donated in Puerto Rico in late 2005 contained the dengue virus.

  8. Virus thrives by hiding

    Some viruses create cocoonlike refuges in the cells they invade, shielding them from the cell's defense mechanisms.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Promising HIV gel fails in latest trial

    Halted in trials, an anti-HIV gel is ineffective, but may not add to risk of infection, as previously thought.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Male circumcision fends off the most common STDs

    Male circumcision prevents some genital herpes and human papillomavirus infections, a study in Ugandan adolescent boys and men shows.

  11. Humans

    Seeking genetic fate

    Personal genomics companies offer forecasts of disease risk, but the science behind the packaging is still evolving.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Body & Brain: Science news of the year, 2008

    Science News writers and editors looked back at the past year's stories and selected a handful as the year's most interesting and important in Body & Brain. Follow hotlinks to the full, original stories.
