Search Results for: Virus

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6,170 results
  1. Materials Science

    Viruses could power devices

    Viruses — the biological kind — could be used to construct more efficient, environmentally friendly lithium ion batteries

  2. Health & Medicine

    Retrovirus might be culprit in chronic fatigue syndrome

    An obscure pathogen shows up often in people diagnosed with the condition, scientists find.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Vaccine may head off genital cancer in women

    An experimental immunization can clear up premalignant growths caused by the human papillomavirus in some patients.

  4. Life

    Dining In

    A process called autophagy, is a means of self-preservation, cleansing and stress management for a cell.With their sights on fighting disease, scientists are now uncovering the mechanics that keep autophagy in balance.

  5. Blind mice see again

    Researchers use a bacterial gene to cure blindness in mice.

  6. Letters

    Making morphine The article “Chemists pin down poppy’s tricks for producing narcotic painkiller” (SN: 4/10/10, p. 5) may presage geopolitical changes in Afghanistan, regardless of whether there are engineered virus attacks or alternative crop programs. A technological advance like this one will eventually be used in the United States and Europe. Even if governments continue […]

  7. Math

    The happiness virus

    Two studies apply social networking ideas to data from health studies of thousands of people, and suggest different interpretations of how contagious happiness or other experiences can be.

  8. Agriculture

    Of swine flu, pigs and a state fair

    To date, federal monitoring has yet to turn up any U.S. pigs infected with the killer swine flu strain known as H1N1. But Agriculture Department Secretary Tom Vilsack announced yesterday that his agency’s veterinary labs would be reexamining whether any of the apparently healthy pigs exhibited last August 16 to Sept. 1 at the Minnesota state fair might have been infected with the virus. Why? “An outbreak of 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza occurred in a group of children housed in a dormitory at the fair at the same time samples were collected from the pigs,” USDA notes

  9. Earth

    Hazy antidote to a faint young sun

    A new theory suggests atmospheric answer to the continuing paradox of why early Earth wasn’t icy.

  10. Animals

    New HIV-1 group

    Scientists have identified another variant of the virus that can cause AIDS.

  11. No Small Matter: Science on the Nanoscale by Felice C. Frankel and George M. Whitesides

    Seemingly invisible objects such as viruses and molecules are imaged in rich detail through high-powered microscopes and photography. NO SMALL MATTER: SCIENCE ON THE NANOSCALE BY FELICE C. FRANKEL AND GEORGE M. WHITESIDES Belknap Press, 2009, 182 p., $35.

  12. Letters

    Slumber science Your October 24 issue featuring sleep research was very interesting and helpful. However, it did not cover any research being done — there may be none — relating to the human brain and modern changes to the nighttime environment. For most of human history, not much activity could take place at night. The […]
