Search Results for: Virus

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6,170 results
  1. 2010 Science News of the Year: Body & Brain

    Credit: © Bettmann/Corbis Gene therapy moves forward Despite their promise, technologies to correct defective genes have been plagued by safety problems leading to unintended — and sometimes fatal — outcomes. But scientists are inching toward safer, more effective gene therapies that may one day treat a range of diseases, from psychiatric disorders to autoimmune diseases […]

  2. Life

    Bornavirus genes found in human DNA

    Researchers have found molecular fossils of an RNA virus in human and other mammalian genomes, pushing back the emergence of RNA viruses millions of years.

  3. Life

    Microbe’s survival manual

    Researchers have uncovered how D. radiodurans can withstand extreme radiation.

  4. Health & Medicine

    When body meets H1N1 flu

    Two studies map interactions between virus and human cells; one study reveals natural flu fighters.

  5. Viruses, Plagues, & History: Past, Present, and Future by Michael B.A. Oldstone

    An immunobiologist describes how microbes have shaped history and may affect the future. Oxford University Press, 2009, 383 p., $17.95. VIRUSES, PLAGUES, & HISTORY: PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE BY MICHAEL B.A. OLDSTONE

  6. Low-tech approach stifles high-risk Nipah virus

    Protecting palm-tree sap from bats may limit spread of deadly disease, a study in Bangladesh shows.

  7. Worming Your Way to Better Health

    To battle autoimmune disease and allergy, scientists tune in to the tricks of parasites.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Stem cells from blood a ‘huge’ milestone

    New technique promises to be easier, cheaper and faster than other harvesting methods.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Targeting microRNA knocks out hepatitis C

    Blocking a small molecule, a new drug reduces levels of the virus, chimp study shows.

  10. Science Past from the issue of April 9, 1960

    CALIFORNIA ZOO APES BECOME “MEDICAL FIRSTS” — Noell, Scoop and Tria, three apes that live in the San Diego zoo, have made medical history. They “came down” with chicken pox while in their zoo cages during a period last summer when there was a high incidence of that disease among children in San Diego County. […]

  11. Life

    Gene therapy for depression

    Researchers were able to reduce pathological behaviors in mice by delivering genetic material to a particular brain region.

  12. Physics

    A giant proposal for a new type of molecule

    Atoms linked across vast distances, can point in two directions at once
