Search Results for: Virus

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6,170 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Existing antibiotic might help keep wraps on AIDS virus

    The acne drug minocycline inhibits HIV activation in infected immune cells, lab tests show.

  2. Science Past from the issue of June 18, 1960

    USSR USES SABIN VACCINE — The Sabin live polio virus vaccine, developed in the United States but not yet licensed here, is “completely harmless” and extremely effective, Russian scientists have found. They have already immunized millions of children in the USSR with the live vaccine.… The scientists said they had been particularly careful to study […]

  3. Life

    Virus makes plants lie to insects

    Infected squash plants smell delicious but taste terrible – perfect combination for tricking aphids into spreading disease

  4. Life

    RNA, obey

    Researchers make RNA machines that can change cells’ behavior.

  5. Health & Medicine

    One of H1N1’s mysteries explained

    The current H1N1 influenza shares many similarities with the 1918 pandemic influenza.

  6. Agriculture

    Germs eyed to make foods safer

    Adding viruses to foods doesn’t sound appetizing, much less healthy. But it’s a stratagem being explored to knock some of the more virulent food poisoning bacteria out of the U.S. food supply. Scientists described data supporting the tactic July 18 at the Institute of Food Technologists’ annual meeting in Chicago.

  7. Life

    Undereducated immune cells get aggressive with HIV

    Scientists discover a mechanism that makes some people resistant to infection with the AIDS virus.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Antiretroviral drugs may prevent HIV infection

    Gay and bisexual men who don’t have the AIDS virus can reduce their risk of getting it by taking a drug combination, a new study finds.

  9. Of Swine and Men

    Scientists study H1N1’s past to predict what  the virus has in store.

  10. Tumor Tell-All

    Unraveling complex genetic stories in cancer cells may lead to personalized treatment.

  11. Earth

    Where humans go, pepper virus follows

    Plant pathogen could help track waters polluted with human waste.

  12. Health & Medicine

    New gel seals wounds fast

    A synthetic material revs up blood clotting at low cost.
