Search Results for: Spiders

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1,133 results
  1. Earth

    A new book reveals stories of ancient life written in North America’s rocks

    In ‘How the Mountains Grew,’ John Dvorak probes the interlinked geology and biology buried within the rocks of North America.

  2. Animals

    Some spiders may spin poisonous webs laced with neurotoxins

    The sticky silk threads of spider webs may be hiding a toxic secret: potent neurotoxins that paralyze a spider’s prey.

  3. Animals

    Dancing peacock spiders turned an arachnophobe into an arachnologist

    Just 22, Joseph Schubert has described 12 of 86 peacock spider species. One with a blue and yellow abdomen is named after Van Gogh’s Starry Night.

  4. Animals

    Bright yellow spots help some orb weaver spiders lure their next meal

    Experiments with cardboard arachnids suggest that orb weaver spiders have evolved yellow colorations on their undersides to attract bees and moths.

  5. Animals

    Larvaceans’ underwater ‘snot palaces’ boast elaborate plumbing

    Mucus houses have valves and ducts galore that help giant larvaceans extract food from seawater.

  6. Animals

    Spider webs don’t rot easily and scientists may have figured out why

    Spider silk doesn’t rot quickly because bacteria can’t access its nitrogen, a nutrient needed for the microbes’ growth, scientists say.

  7. Animals

    Small, quiet crickets turn leaves into megaphones to blare their mating call

    A carefully crafted leaf can double the volume of a male tree cricket’s song, helping it compete with larger, louder males for females.

  8. Animals

    Why one biologist chases hurricanes to study spider evolution

    For more rigorous spider data, Jonathan Pruitt rushes into the paths of hurricanes.

  9. Plants

    New Guinea has more known plant species than any island in the world

    In the first verified count of plants on New Guinea, a team of 99 botany experts identified more than 13,600 species.

  10. Health & Medicine

    A fungus weaponized with a spider toxin can kill malaria mosquitoes

    In controlled field experiments in Burkina Faso, a genetically engineered fungus reduced numbers of insecticide-resistant mosquitoes that can carry malaria.

  11. Animals

    Peacock spiders’ superblack spots reflect just 0.5 percent of light

    By manipulating light with tiny structures, patches on peacock spiders appear superblack, helping accentuate the arachnids’ bright colors.

  12. Astronomy

    Questions about solar storms, slingshot spiders and more reader feedback

    Readers had questions about solar storms, a robotic gripper, slingshot spiders and more.
