Search Results for: Spiders

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1,133 results
  1. Spider real estate wars: Wake up early

    Big spiders in a colony get prime real estate day after day by spinning webs early.

  2. Materials Science

    Super Fibers: Nanotubes make tough threads

    New fibers made from carbon nanotubes and a polymer appear tougher than any other known synthetic or natural material.

  3. Hungry spiders tune up web jiggliness

    Octonoba spiders tune the sensitivity of their webs according to how hungry they are.

  4. Animals

    Thoroughly Modern Migrants

    Butterflies and moths are causing scientists to devise a broader definition of migration and this has raised some old questions in new ways.

  5. Materials Science

    Nice Threads

    Once researchers figure out how to spin strong fibers out of carbon nanotubes, real-world applications such as long-distance power-transmission cables, lightweight aircraft materials, and electronic textiles become feasible.

  6. Materials Science

    Spinning Fine Threads: Silkworms coerced to make better silk

    The caterpillars that spin commercial silk can make tougher or more elastic threads, depending on how fast they're forced to spin.

  7. Humans

    Science News of the Year 2004

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2004.

  8. Anthropology

    Monkey Business

    They're pugnacious and clever, and they have complex social lives—but do capuchin monkeys actually exhibit cultural behaviors?

  9. Fear Not

    Scientists find that facing your fears enables you to suppress them.

  10. Humans

    From the December 20, 1930, issue

    alt=”Click to view larger image”> ARACHNE PROVIDES LOVELIER FESTOONS FOR CHRISTMAS TREE Christmas trees, with their exotic and ephemeral flowing of tinsel and bright paper, are apt to arouse in moralizing adults sentiments of vague regret that all this splendor is for a few hours only. Children, fortunately, are spared such thoughts: For them the […]

  11. Original Kin: Six-legged bugs may have evolved twice

    Insects may have evolved independently from other six-legged land bugs and may be more closely related to crustaceans than to their fellow so-called hexapods.

  12. Materials Science

    Mammal cells make fake spider silk better

    Using long and abundant water-soluble proteins secreted by bioengineered mammal cells, scientists have spun the first artificial spider silk demonstrated to have some of the remarkable mechanical properties of the real thing.
