Search Results for: Spiders

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1,133 results
  1. Animals

    Male spiders amputate organs, run faster

    Tiny male spiders of a species common to the southeastern United States routinely remove one of their two oversize external sex organs, enabling them to run faster and longer.

  2. Earth

    A Little Less Green?

    Emerging data indicate that use of pyrethroid pesticides, even by home owners, poses significant environmental risks.

  3. Animals

    First Impressions: Early view biases spider’s mate choice

    In a new wrinkle on how females develop their tastes in males, a test has found that young female wolf spiders that see a male's courtship display grow up with a preference for that look in mates.

  4. Humans

    From the June 16, 1934, issue

    Fanciful creations of the photographer's art, the possible addition of element 93 to the periodic table, and a Triceratops skull on display.

  5. Physics

    Why the thinnest sticky hairs rule

    The foot hairs of geckos and other creatures that can walk on ceilings may be microscopic because only such slender hairs offer optimal adhesion, regardless of shape.

  6. Animals

    Not-So-Great Hunter: Said the spider to the fly—Eek! I’m outta here

    The poisonous brown recluse spider may turn out not to be a fearsome hunter so much as a scavenger.

  7. Tech

    Miniaturized 3-D Printing: New polymer ink writes tiny structures

    A new 3-D printer can build up complex polymer microstructures with features small enough for creating photonic crystals or scaffolds for tissue engineering.

  8. Astronomy

    Scoping out a stellar nursery

    Penetrating a veil of dust, a space-based infrared observatory has recorded the most complete portrait ever taken of a star-forming region in a nearby galaxy.

  9. Paleontology

    Oh, what a sticky web they wove

    A look inside a piece of 130-million-year-old amber has revealed a thin filament of spider silk with sticky droplets that look just like those produced by modern spiders.

  10. Wasp redesigns web of doomed spider

    A wasp larva injects a spider with a web-altering drug, driving the spider to spin a shelter just right for a wasp cocoon.

  11. Animals

    Killer sex, literally

    Videotapes of yellow garden spiders show that if a female doesn't murder her mate, he'll expire during sex anyway.

  12. Chemistry

    Secret of strong silk

    By controlling the amount of water in their glands, spiders and silkworms prevent their silk proteins from crystallizing prematurely.
