Search Results for: Spiders

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1,133 results
  1. Hot, Hot, Hot: Peppers and spiders reach same pain receptor

    The burn of hot peppers and the searing pain of a spider bite could have a common cause.

  2. Animals

    Silky feet

    Zebra tarantulas can secrete silk from their feet, a feat that may help them better adhere to surfaces.

  3. Plants

    Cretaceous Corsages? Fossil in amber suggests antiquity of orchids

    Orchids appeared on the scene about 80 million years ago, according to evidence from a bee that collected orchid pollen and got trapped in amber.

  4. Math

    Flying without Fractals

    A new study raises doubts about fractal patterns in animal behavior.

  5. Biological Moon Shot

    The first entries—with the basics for a mere 30,000 species—in the Web-based Encyclopedia of Life are scheduled for release in a matter of weeks.

  6. Animals

    Underage Spiders: Males show unexpected interest in young mates

    Male Australian redback spiders mate readily with females too young to have external openings to their reproductive tracts, a tactic that reduces the male's risk of getting cannibalized.

  7. Paleontology

    Sticky Subjects: Insights into ancient spider diet, kinship

    Remnants of a spider web embedded in ancient amber suggest that some spiders' diets haven't changed much in millions of years.

  8. Humans

    Letters from the October 28, 2006, issue of Science News

    Slow down a minute “Braking news: Disks slow down stars” (SN: 8/12/06, p. 109) says that a magnetic linkage between spinning stars and the charged particles in the dusty disks that surround them slowed the spin of the stars, but says nothing about its effect on the disk. The law of conservation of angular momentum […]

  9. Animals

    Wary male spiders woo lifelessly

    When trying to court a cannibalistic female spider, males of a certain species play dead.

  10. Animals

    Pothole Pals: Ants pave roads for fellow raiders

    By throwing their bodies into tiny potholes on rough trails, army ants enable their comrade to race over them, improving the colony's overall foraging success.

  11. Humans

    From the May 8, 1937, issue

    Finishing a telescope, finding new matter, and launching rockets.

  12. Animals

    Sexually Deceptive Chemistry: Beetle larvae fake the scent of female bees

    Trick chemistry lets a bunch of writhing caterpillars attract a male bee that they then use as a flying taxi on their way to find food.
