Search Results for: Spiders

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1,133 results
  1. Earth

    An electronic nose that smells plants’ pain

    Device can detect distress signals from plants that are harmed, under attack.

  2. Computing

    Video Search à la Web

    Finding videos on the web can still be a hit-or-miss proposition.

  3. Animals

    Spider blood fluoresces

    Among spiders, fluorescence under ultraviolet light seems to be a widespread trait.

  4. Animals

    Dolphins wield tools of the sea

    A long-term study of dolphins living off Australia’s coast finds that a small number of them, mostly females, frequently use sea sponges to forage for fish on the ocean floor.

  5. 19913

    There is little mystery why some female fishing spiders are so aggressive that they eat their suitors before mating can take place. It would take a very bold male to court a female knowing he is going to be lunch. To maintain such inherited aggressive behavior in the female, one only has to assume that […]

  6. Astronomy

    Galactic spider

    A Hubble Space Telescope image reveals a large galaxy in the early universe assembling from the merger of smaller ones.

  7. Life

    It’s the network, stupid

    The complexity of humans may lie not in genes but in the web of interactions among the proteins they make.

  8. Materials Science

    Taken for a Spin

    Considering silk from the spider's perspective may offer the best chance of replicating these creatures' tough threads.

  9. Humans

    Letters from the February 16, 2008, issue of Science News

    Inert placebo? Regarding “Getting the Red Out” (SN: 1/19/08, p. 35): While drug companies wish to market their products, my attention is drawn to the fact that 1 in 8 of the control group of psoriasis patients was cured by placebo effect. Who will investigate the process therein? Is there a market for it? Carson […]

  10. Life

    Evolution’s Evolution

    Darwin’s dangerous idea has adapted to modern biology

  11. Animals

    Glittering male seeks fluorescing female

    A tropical jumping spider needs ultraviolet light for courtship.

  12. Life

    Banishing Sense-less Reporting

    Scientific reports don't have to be dry, although they all-too-frequently are.
