Search Results for: Spiders

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1,133 results
  1. Life

    Web decorating with garbage

    Spider webs adorned with decaying food remains attract more attacks, but maybe there’s a defensive trade-off at work.

  2. Life

    Ingredients of hagfish slime revealed

    Figuring out the ingredients still doesn’t explain how the fishes avoid premature mucus explosions

  3. Animals

    Spider males good for mating, food

    Expectant mothers, including spiders, need to eat well. For Mediterranean tarantulas, a male suitor tastes just fine.

  4. Ecosystems

    Dining: Bugged on Thanksgiving

    Earlier this week, I met with Zack Lemann at the Insectarium, a roughly 18-month-old Audubon museum. He gave me a behind-the-scenes tour of its dozens of living exhibits hosting insects and more -- including tarantulas and, arriving that day for their Tuesday debut, white (non-albino) alligators. But the purpose of my noon-hour visit was to sample the local cuisine and learn details of preparations for a holiday menu that would be offered through tomorrow at the facility’s experiential cafe: Bug Appetit. There’s Thanksgiving turkey with a cornbread and wax worm stuffing, cranberry sauce with meal worms, and Cricket Pumpkin Pie. It’s cuisine most Americans would never pay for. But at the Insectarium, they don’t have to. It’s offered free as part of an educational adventure.

  5. Life

    Robot spider vs. bee

    Learning about predators’ tricks can make a bee paranoid.

  6. Animals

    Oh, he’s such a lab bird

    Bold flycatchers may be more likely than shy birds to get trapped for lab studies.

  7. Life

    Fecal architecture is beetle armor

    Predators have a hard time getting through the layers of excrement some beetle moms give their young.

  8. Chemistry


    Mimicking how spiders make their complex array of silks could usher in a tapestry of new materials, and other animals or plants could be designed to be the producers.

  9. Life

    People can control their Halle Berry neurons

    Researchers pinpoint individual brain cells that respond to particular people and objects.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Beta-blockers erase emotion of fearful memories

    Beta blockers could change the way emotional memories are stored, a finding which could help people suffering from anxiety disorders

  11. Letters

    Making tall or short of it In your article “The genetic dimension of height and health” ( SN: 5/9/09, p. 22 ), some medical consequences of being either taller or shorter than the median height of the study group are explained. To help us all extrapolate these findings to our own lives, don’t you think […]

  12. Life

    Long-lasting daddy longlegs

    Fossils of two new daddy longlegs species have been unearthed in China.
