Search Results for: Spiders

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1,133 results
  1. Eye-Popping 3-D Bugs: Phantogram Bugs You Can Practically Touch! by Barry Rothstein and Betsy Rothstein

    Scientific facts about creepy crawlies boost this book’s real thrill —the phantogram images that make beetles, wasps and spiders pop off the page. Chronicle Books, 2011, 61 p., $19.99, ages 3 and up

  2. Stuff That Scares Your Pants Off!: The Science Scoop on more than 30 Terrifying Phenomena! by Glenn Murphy

    Statistics and scientific facts reassure kids that scary things —whether they be spiders, the dark or aliens — aren’t such a threat after all. Roaring Brook Press, 2011, 192 p., $14.99, ages 8–12

  3. Consciousness Emerges

    Somewhere along a tangled path, sights, sounds and insights pop into awareness.

  4. Letters

    Lumpy lunar illusion Are you folks aware of a phenomenon based on the universal expectation that objects are illuminated by light coming from above? Several startling optical illusions are based on this quirk of the mind. For example, the sharp moon map in “Orbiter delivers sharp moon map” (SN: 7/30/11, p. 12) makes the moon […]

  5. SN Online

    LIFE Schooling fish stay together by focusing on neighbors rather than the group. See “School rules.” Gustavo Hormiga Spiders known for their web architecture can trace their lineage to one crafty ancestor that lived 200 million years ago. See “The origin of orbs.” BODY & BRAIN Scientists have pinpointed what makes hearing nails on a […]

  6. Life

    Tarantulas shoot silk from their feet

    The unique ability may give the heavy spiders a better grip and prevent deadly falls.

  7. Humans

    Scientists probe terrorist talk on ‘Dark Web’

    Mathematical tools can pry secretive terrorist communications in hidden sector of the Internet.

  8. 2011 Science News of the Year: Life

    Multicellular life from a test tube In less than two months, yeast in a test tube evolved from single-celled life to bristly multicellular structures. The new, snowflakelike forms act like multicellular organisms, reproducing by splitting when they reach large sizes and evolving further in response to harsh conditions, William Ratcliff of the University of Minnesota, […]

  9. Life

    Spider sex play has its pluses

    In the tricky world of arachnid mating, messing around with not-quite-mature females yields later benefits.

  10. Earth

    Earth & Environment

    Cities can break up passing storms, plus wild boar contamination, altered spider sense and more in this week’s news.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Little Mind Benders

    Parasites that sneak into the brain may alter your behavior and health.

  12. Life

    Nouveaux Antennas

    A single hairlike appendage may allow a cell to sense the outside world
