Search Results for: Spiders

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1,133 results
  1. It’s Raining Fish and Spiders by Bill Evans

    An Emmy-winning meteorologist explains weather mysteries through experiments, stories and real-world weather data. Forge, 2012, 240 p., $18.99, grades 2–5

  2. Chemistry

    Scientist fiddles with spider silk

    Bundled and processed, the sturdy filaments yield a soft, rich sound on the violin.

  3. Chemistry

    Repellent slime has material virtues

    Threads isolated from hagfishes' defensive goo demonstrate superior strength and flexibility.

  4. SN Online

    HUMANS Learn what confidence means for group decision-making strategies in “Two heads sometimes better than one.” S. Osaki/Phys. Rev. Lett. 2012 MATTER & ENERGY A structural change in spider silk (below) makes it strong enough to string a violin. Read “Scientist fiddles with spider silk.” BODY & BRAIN A physician describes controversial anatomical evidence for […]

  5. Life

    Grasshoppers’ terror outlives them

    After an existence plagued by predatory spiders, the insects pass into oblivion, leaving a legacy of impoverished soil.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Nothing to fear but suffocation

    People with a rare brain disorder don’t get scared — except when they breathe carbon dioxide.

  7. New species of the year

    More creatures, less Latin used to describe them.

  8. Mixed Results

    Having the right blend of animal personalities can make or break a group

  9. Earth

    Life under ice

    Lake Vostok may harbor ingredients for a complex subglacial ecosystem.

  10. Life

    The origin of orbs

    Spectacular web designs trace back to a single spider origin.

  11. Life

    Diving spiders make their own gills

    Eurasian diving bell spiders, the only truly aquatic arachnids, survive underwater with the help of “physical gills,” scientists say.

  12. Life

    Oldest mites in amber discovered

    Two new species of arthropods found in 230-million-year-old fossilized resin show similarities to modern-day species.
