Search Results for: Spiders

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1,133 results
  1. Spider man fell for jumpers

    View the videos The recently named Lapsias lorax spider got its name from the Dr.Seuss character with a yellow mustache. Courtesy W. Maddison/Beaty Museum Wayne Maddison examines a tiny but venomous snake caught along with spiders shaken from tree branches. Snakes are one hazard Maddison faces in the tropics, along with leeches, wasps and more. […]

  2. Ecosystems

    Noise made by humans can be bad news for animals

    Animals live in a world of sounds. Clever experiments are finally teasing out how human-made noise can cause dangerous distractions.

  3. Animals

    Seeing past the jellyfish sting

    Jellies don’t get nearly as much love as their cousins, the corals, but they deserve credit for providing homes to some creatures, dinner to others and more. They’re an integral part of the oceans.

  4. Quantum Physics

    Nobel laureates offer new interpretations of quantum mysteries

    Two Nobel laureates offer novel interpretations to explain the mysteries of quantum mechanics.

  5. Paleontology

    3-D scans reveal secrets of extinct creatures

    Paleontologists can dig into fossils without destroying them and see what’s inside using 3-D scanning. What they’re learning helps bring the past to life.

  6. Science & Society

    Humans’ living creations put on display

    The Center for PostNatural History, a museum that opened in 2012, features Freckles and other organisms altered by humans.

  7. Ecosystems

    Cannibalistic mantis invades New Zealand, eats natives

    Native male New Zealand mantises try to mate with females of an invasive species, only to find out the hard way that those females eat their mates.

  8. Quantum Physics

    Shor’s code-breaking algorithm inspired reflections on quantum information

    Twenty years ago, physicists met in Santa Fe to explore the ramifications of quantum information.

  9. Health & Medicine

    A surprise makes memories wobbly

    Drug that interferes with recollection works only when people face the unexpected.

  10. Neuroscience

    Scented naps can dissipate fears

    People unlearned an odor's unpleasant accompaniment when they smelled it in their sleep.

  11. Neuroscience

    Brain patterns of haunting memories

    Some fearful experiences stick with us forever. Others we brush off easily. The difference could be in which neuronal patterns are activated in our brains.

  12. Humans

    Babies perk up to sounds of ancient hazards

    Evolution has primed infants to focus on noises linked to longstanding dangers, a new study finds.
