Search Results for: Spiders

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1,133 results
  1. Life

    Some animals eat their moms, and other cannibalism facts

    A new book surveys those who eat their own kind, revealing some surprises about who’s eating whom.

  2. Animals

    Animals were the original twerkers

    From black widow spiders to birds and bees, shaking that booty goes way back.

  3. Ecosystems

    Light pollution takes a toll on the aquatic food web

  4. Animals

    Winds predict deadly jellyfish blooms

    A change in the winds flowing over Australia’s Great Barrier Reef coincides with reports of the potentially fatal Irukandji syndrome.

  5. Animals

    What animal is the world’s best rock climber?

    Lots of animals manage to scale vertical heights, and each has their own way of accomplishing the feat.

  6. Neuroscience

    How the brain perceives time

    To perceive time, the brain relies on internal clocks that precisely orchestrate movement, sensing, memories and learning.

  7. Animals

    Tiny frogs host an illusion on their backs

    How dyeing dart frogs move changes how predators see the amphibians, a new study finds.

  8. Animals

    In dark fishing spiders, males’ postmating nap is permanent

    Species prepares for two pairings but goes into a fatal coma after a single encounter.

  9. Animals

    Cannibalistic spiders may just be choosy guys

    Male Micaria sociabilis may choose to have older female for lunch, not sex.

  10. Animals

    A brief history of animal death in space

    The Russian “sexy space geckos” join a long list of creatures that have died after humans sent them into space.

  11. Animals

    Bedbugs survive cold, but not for too long

    Some studies have indicated that cold might kill bedbugs after as little as one hour of exposure. But new research finds that’s not the case.

  12. Animals

    A gory 12 days of Christmas

    Insects and spiders are among the biggest gift-givers, often as part of mating, and anything from cyanide to a wad of saliva can be a present.
