Search Results for: Spiders

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1,133 results
  1. For Halloween, Gory Details favorites and farewell

    Gory Details blogger Erika Engelhaupt left Science News earlier this year. In a farewell post and in honor of Halloween, she reminisces about some of her favorite, and scariest, posts.

  2. Neuroscience

    A vivid emotional experience requires the right genetics

    A single gene deletion gives some people an extra vivid jolt to their emotional experience, a new study shows.

  3. Animals

    Spider’s personality matters when job hunting

    Boldest individuals of social species tasked with seeking out prey.

  4. Computing

    Barrel jellyfish may hunt with new kind of math

    Barrel jellyfish use a new type of mathematical movement pattern to forage for food, a new study suggests.

  5. Cosmology

    Dust erases evidence for gravity wave detection

    The claimed detection of primordial gravitational waves does not hold up after taking into account galactic dust, a new analysis concludes.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Tiny mites are probably crawling all over your face

    Two skin mites, relatives of spiders, might populate the faces of all adult humans, according to a DNA survey.

  7. Particle Physics

    Particle hunting in space, life in the urban jungle and more reader feedback

    Readers discuss wheat's journey to England, share stories about urban wildlife and more.

  8. Animals

    Cockroach personalities can speed or slow group decisions

    The mix of temperaments in an alarmed cluster of cockroaches changes how quickly they make group decisions.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Yet another reason to hate ticks

    Ticks are tiny disease-carrying parasites that should also be classified as venomous animals, a new study argues.

  10. Animals

    Octomom and six other extreme animal parents

    The octopus that brooded her young for 4.5 years is just the start when it comes to tales of extreme parenting.

  11. Animals

    Smoker’s breath saves caterpillars’ lives

    Larvae of the tobacco hornworm caterpillar exhale nicotine, driving away predatory spiders.

  12. Microbes

    One giant leap for zit-causing microbes

    A bacterium that lives on humans and causes acne also hopped to domesticated grapevines and relies on the plant for crucial DNA repairs.
