Search Results for: Spiders

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1,133 results
  1. Animals

    Scientists find a crab party deep in the ocean

    A trip to check out the biodiversity off the coast of Panama revealed thousands of crabs swarming on the seafloor.

  2. Animals

    Delicate spider takes down tough prey by attacking weak spots

    The Loxosceles gaucho recluse spider can take down a heavily armored harvestman by attacking its weak spots, a new study reveals.

  3. Animals

    When mom serves herself as dinner

    For this spider, extreme motherhood ends with a fatal family feast.

  4. Environment

    Spiders enlisted as pollution sensors for rivers

    Hunting arachnids provide a better picture of chemical threats to food web.

  5. Animals

    Cringe away, guys — this spider bites off his own genitals

    After sex, a male coin spider will chew off his own genitals, an act that might help secure his paternity.

  6. Materials Science

    Silkworms spin spider-strong threads

    Silkworms with a spider protein make silk tough enough to be woven into clothing.

  7. Animals

    Spiders get bigger in the big city

    City-living golden orb-weaving spiders tend to be bigger than those that live in the countryside, a new study finds.

  8. Paleontology

    Ancient brain fossils hint at body evolution of creepy-crawlies

    Fossilized brains — found in the Burgess Shale in western Canada — offer clues to how arthropods morphed from soft- to hard-bodied animals.

  9. Anthropology

    Neandertal bling and more reader feedback

  10. Animals

    How velvet worms slime their prey

    Researchers have figured out the mechanics behind velvet worms’ wobbly slime jets.

  11. Animals

    Fish-eating spiders are the stuff of nightmares

    Spiders that feast on fish can be found on every continent but Antarctica, a new review finds.

  12. Animals

    Australia’s unexpectedly dangerous creatures

    Australia is home to an array of deadly things — from crocodiles to venomous snakes — but dangers can also be found among seemingly safe critters.
