Search Results for: Spiders

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1,136 results

1,136 results for: Spiders

  1. Animals

    2017 delivered amazing biology finds from organisms large and small

    From giant African elephants to tiny tardigrades, scientists discovered some surprising biology this year.

  2. Psychology

    When anxiety happens as early as preschool, treatments can help

    Researchers are seeking ways to break the link between preschool worries and adult anxiety.

  3. Animals

    First spider superdads discovered

    Male spiders first known to give up solitary life for offspring care, often as a single parent.

  4. Astronomy

    What do plants and animals do during an eclipse?

    A citizen science experiment will gather the biggest dataset to date of animal responses to a total eclipse.

  5. Animals

    It takes guts for a sea spider to pump blood

    Most sea spiders have hearts, but what really gets their blood flowing are gut contractions.

  6. Quantum Physics

    Spooky quantum entanglement goes big in new experiments

    Scientists entangled the motions of two jiggling devices that are visible with a magnifying glass or even the naked eye — if you have keen vision.

  7. Animals

    A lot of life on planet Earth is awful and incredible

    Acting Editor in Chief Elizabeth Quill discusses how the natural world feeds our sense of wonder.

  8. Science & Society

    Revisiting the science stories that made us cry, think and say ‘OMG’ in 2017

    Each year Science News selects the top stories for their importance and impact. But the staff’s favorite stories strike a different chord.

  9. Plants

    Pollinators are usually safe from a Venus flytrap

    A first-ever look at what pollinates the carnivorous Venus flytrap finds little overlap between pollinators and prey.

  10. Materials Science

    Graphene Silly Putty detects pitter-patter of spider footsteps

    Sensor made of graphene and Silly Putty can detect pulse, breathing — and spider feet.

  11. Animals

    Be careful what you say around jumping spiders

    Sensitive leg hairs may let jumping spiders hear sounds through the air at much greater distances than researchers imagined.

  12. Genetics

    Tardigrades aren’t champion gene swappers after all

    Genetic studies reveal more secrets of the bizarre creatures known as tardigrades.
