Search Results for: Monkeys

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2,664 results

2,664 results for: Monkeys

  1. Face Talk: Babies see their way to language insights

    Babies 4 to 6 months old can distinguish between two languages solely by watching a speaker's face, without hearing sound.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Old cure may offer new malaria option

    An herbal-tea remedy for malaria contains a component that may form the basis of a novel drug against the disease.

  3. Talk to the Hand: Language might have evolved from gestures

    Language might have evolved from hand gestures, say researchers who study communication in chimpanzees.

  4. Finding a face place in monkeys’ brains

    Monkeys recognize a wide variety of faces thanks to a brain area that specializes in face perception.

  5. Animals

    Monkey Business: Specimen of new species shakes up family tree

    The new monkey species found in Tanzania last year may be unusual enough to need a new genus, the first one created for monkeys in nearly 80 years.

  6. Natural-Born Addicts: Brain differences may herald drug addiction

    Differences in the behavior and the brain receptors of rats seem to predict which of the rodents will become cocaine addicted.

  7. Primate’s Progress: Macaque genome is usefully different

    A group of 35 labs has unveiled a draft of the genome of the rhesus macaque, the most widely used laboratory primate and a cousin to people.

  8. Stem Cells from Virgin Eggs

    Making embryonic stem cells from unfertilized eggs might bypass many ethical concerns, but important scientific hurdles remain.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Defending against a Deadly Foe: Vaccine forestalls fearsome virus

    A single injection of an experimental vaccine prevents infection by the lethal Marburg virus in monkeys.

  10. Grown-Up Connections: Mice, monkeys remake brain links as adults

    Two new studies offer a glimpse of extensive remodeling of nerve connections in the brain's outer layer, or cortex, during adulthood in mice and monkeys.

  11. Brain Gain

    The brain constantly sprouts new neurons, a recently discovered phenomenon that neuroscientists and drugmakers are working to understand and harness.

  12. Babies Prune Their Focus: Perception narrows toward infancy’s end

    Between the ages of 6 months and 8 months, infants lose the ability to match the vocalizations and facial movements of monkeys shown in video clips, signaling a temporary perceptual narrowing as babies focus on the human social realm.
