Search Results for: Monkeys

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2,664 results

2,664 results for: Monkeys

  1. Life

    Allergy meds slim down obese mice

    Animal study shows over-the-counter medications lower weight and treat type 2 diabetes. The study is one of four to link type 2 diabetes with the immune system.

  2. Life

    Almost complete primate fossil described

    Ida provides details about life in the Eocene.

  3. Life

    Mosquito fish count comrades to stay alive

    New experiments indicate that mosquito fish can count small numbers of companions swimming in different groups, an ability that apparently evolved to assist these fish in avoiding predators.

  4. BOOK REVIEW | Mirroring People: The New Science of How We Connect With Others

    Review by Amy Maxmen.

  5. Specialis Revelio!

    It’s not magic, it’s neuroscience.

  6. Health & Medicine

    I feel your pain, even though I can’t feel mine

    A new imaging study looks at how people are able to empathize with others, even when they haven’t experienced something firsthand.

  7. Life

    Primate vision puts pieces together

    Study suggests nerve cells in retinas create an intricate system of interlocking receptive fields.

  8. Humans

    Primates get a neural facial

    New brain-imaging studies indicate that similar brain areas coordinate face recognition in people, chimpanzees and macaque monkeys, suggesting that a face-sensitive brain system evolved early in primate evolution.

  9. Humans

    Symbolic snacks

    Capuchin monkeys can reason with tokens as they do with different foods, demonstrating a basic capacity for thinking symbolically.

  10. Animals

    Tool use to crow about

    A pair of new studies indicates that crows can employ tools in advanced ways, including using stones to displace water in a container and manipulating three sticks in sequence to reach food.

  11. The Primate Family Tree: The Amazing Diversity of Our Closest Relatives by Ian Redmond

    Firefly Books, 2008, 176 p., $35.

  12. Animals

    Dogs will go on strike over unfair treats

    Equal sausage demanded for equal paw shakes.
