Search Results for: Monkeys

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2,657 results
  1. Humans

    Urban Eyes

    Too much time spent indoors may be behind a surge in nearsightedness.

  2. Animals

    Monkey in the mirror

    Monkeys with implanted head devices use mirrors to inspect themselves, perhaps signaling self-awareness.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Scientists shouldn’t get hooked on notion that obesity reflects addiction to food

  4. Humans

    New ancestor grasped at walking

    By 3.4 million years ago, two human relatives built differently for upright movement inhabited East Africa.

  5. Tech

    Paralyzed woman grips, sips coffee with robot arm

    For the first time, a brain-computer interface is powerful enough to enable useful movement in human patients.

  6. Suggest Cancer Preventive

    Cutting calories to fight cancer.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Little Mind Benders

    Parasites that sneak into the brain may alter your behavior and health.

  8. BOOK REVIEW: The Viral Storm: The Dawn of a New Pandemic Age by Nathan Wolfe

    Review by Erika Engelhaupt.

  9. Life

    Cats engineered for disease resistance

    Genetically modified felines created in an effort to fight feline immunodeficiency virus.

  10. Letters

    Thinking probabilistically In the excellent article “Beware the long tail” (SN: 11/5/11, p. 22), the areas under each curve in the figure “Spotting the tail” should be unity (the total probability must be one). Therefore, the red curve should be lower in the center than the black one. Filson Glanz, Durham, N.H. Yes, the area […]

  11. Health & Medicine

    Body & Brain

    Cancer treatment raises stroke risk, plus ankle-powered sprints, irregular heartbeats and more in this week’s news.

  12. Psychology

    Kids share, chimps stash

    Divvying up goods comes easily to 3-year-old kids but not to adult chimps, a finding with evolutionary implications.
