Search Results for: Monkeys

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2,657 results
  1. Microbes

    Year in review: Science faces Ebola epidemic

    West Africa’s 2014 Ebola epidemic showed what can happen when a contagious virus emerges where cultural practices, public fears and porous borders fuel the spread of disease.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Mini stomachs grown in lab

    Clumps of human gastric cells could help researchers study stomach diseases.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Chikungunya is on the move

    The chikungunya virus, which wreaks havoc on joints, has spread via mosquitoes in tropical regions. Now it has found a way to hijack a second mosquito, posing a threat to people in Europe, North America and China.

  4. Neuroscience

    ‘Unique’ human brain regions similar to monkeys’ brains

    Monkeys may have rudimentary brain wiring that later evolved into the connections that gave humans the ability to understand language, think flexibly and make decisions.

  5. Genetics

    Editing human germline cells sparks ethics debate

    Human gene editing experiments raise scientific and societal questions.

  6. Life

    Human use energy in brains, muscles differently than chimps do

    The way our brains and muscles use energy is strikingly distinct compared with chimpanzees' metabolism in these tissues, a finding that may explain the major differences between the two species.

  7. Animals

    Crows may be able to make analogies

    Crows with little training pass a lab test for analogical reasoning that requires matching similar or different icons.

  8. Paleontology

    Earliest tree-dweller, burrower join mammal tree of life

    Fossils show mammal ancestors did a lot more than cower in dinosaurs’ shadows.

  9. Animals

    Evidence of ‘yeti’ probably came from a Himalayan black bear

    Last year, a genetic analysis revealed two hairs from an unknown species of bear in Asia. A new study finds that they belong to rare Himalayan black bears.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Experimental herpes drug outperforms first-line med

    An experimental treatment for genital herpes suppresses the viral infection better than the standard drug, but animal tests raise concerns about side effects.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Test Ebola treatments to be rushed to West Africa

    The World Health Organization has announced that it will use test treatments in West Africa starting this fall.

  12. Neuroscience

    Monkeys control two arms in virtual reality

    A new brain-computer interface has enabled movement of two virtual limbs at the same time.
