Search Results for: Monkeys

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2,664 results

2,664 results for: Monkeys

  1. Archaeology

    Wild monkeys throw curve at stone-tool making’s origins

    Monkeys that make sharp-edged stones raise questions about evolution of stone tool production.

  2. Neuroscience

    Eyes offer window into brain’s timekeepers

    In new experiments of time perception, when pupils were large, monkeys underestimated a second.

  3. Archaeology

    Real-life adventure tale details search for legendary city

    "The Lost City of the Monkey God" recounts archaeological expedition to uncover truth behind Honduras’ “White City" myth.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Ricin poisoning may one day be treatable with new antidote

    Mice treated with a blend of antibodies survived even when treated days after exposure to ricin.

  5. Life

    The next wave of bird flu could be worse than ever

    Deadly bird flu can pass between ferrets through the air.

  6. Health & Medicine

    50 years ago, contraception options focused on women

    Women have more birth control choices than they did 50 years ago. The same can’t be said for men.

  7. Genetics

    Genes help snub-nosed monkeys live the high life

    Snub nosed monkeys have certain genetic variants that help them breathe easy in low oxygen.

  8. Anthropology

    Earliest evidence of monkeys’ use of stone tools found

    600- to 700-year-old nut-cracking stones from Brazil are earliest evidence that monkeys used tools.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Cows produce powerful HIV antibodies

    For the first time in any animal, researchers elicit broadly neutralizing antibodies against HIV. Cows’ antibodies could help with drug development.

  10. Life

    Placenta protectors no match for toxic Strep B pigment

    Strep B uses a toxic pigment made of fat to kill immune system cells, spurring preterm labor and dangerous infections, a monkey study shows.

  11. Humans

    Gelada monkeys know their linguistic math

    The vocalizations of gelada monkeys observe a mathematical principle seen in human language, a new study concludes.

  12. Animals

    Bones reveal what it was like to grow up dodo

    Scientists take a first look at the inside of dodo bones.
