Search Results for: Mammoths

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763 results
  1. Humans

    A result of zero doesn’t always mean zero results

    Two recent astrophysics studies found meaningful results in nothing.

  2. Physics

    Heart of the Matter

    Neutrinos’ shifty behavior might help explain why the universe has so much stuff in it.

  3. Climate

    Extremely Bad Weather

    Teasing out global warming's role in worsening hurricanes, droughts and other extreme events.

  4. Life

    Genes separate Africa’s elephant herds

    Genetic work reveals forest and savanna pachyderms as distinct species.

  5. Humans

    Weighing the costs of conferencing

    A provocative editorial in the Journal of the American Medical Association questions the value of attending scientific conferences. It’s a theme that reemerges every few years. And in times of tight budgets, the idea seems worth revisiting.

  6. Storm Front

    Hurricane experts push to improve intensity forecasts.

  7. Chasing a Cosmic Engine

    After 100 years, energetic space particles continue to pose a perplexing mystery.

  8. Mammoths and Mastodons: Titans of the Ice Age by Cheryl Bardoe

    Photos and accounts of real-life research bring extinct mammals to life in this book, published to coincide with a current exhibit at Chicago’s Field Museum. (Ages 9 – 12 MAMMOTHS AND MASTODONS: TITANS OF THE ICE AGE BY CHERYL BARDOE Abrams Books for Young Readers, 2010, 48 p., $18.95.

  9. Humans

    Stone Age cold case baffles scientists

    Stone-tool makers who hunkered down near Arctic Circle left uncertain clues to their identity.

  10. Humans

    A new glimpse at the earliest Americans

    Along a stream in central Texas, archaeologists have found a campsite occupied at the tail end of the Ice Age.

  11. Humans

    Federal shutdown would muzzle federal science

    Even a brief shutdown would have on the dissemination of data. Scientific data, for instance. Such as new findings from research studies with public health implications.

  12. Science Future for July 3, 2010

    August 8 – 12 Geoscientists meet in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, for an international conference. See August 11 – 14 The Cognitive Science Society meets in Portland, Ore. Go to September 6 Last day to view the Chicago Field Museum’s exhibit on creatures of the Ice Age. See
