Search Results for: Lions

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1,308 results
  1. Life

    ‘Wild Ways’ showcases need for wildlife corridors

    The TV documentary 'Wild Ways' shows how wildlife corridors bridge the gap between isolated populations of animals.

  2. Animals

    Purpose of zebra stripes remains a mystery

    Zebra stripes don’t help the animals disappear in the vision of predators, a new study finds.

  3. Animals

    Animals get struck by lightning, too

    Scientists found a group of sea lions apparently dead from a lightning strike. But those animals certainly aren’t the first animals to die that way.

  4. Life

    Mouse cells grown in rats cure diabetes in mice

    Mixing cells of two species produces pig and cattle embryos with some human cells.

  5. Animals

    Fog ferries mercury from the ocean to land animals

    Scientists have traced mercury in the waters of the Pacific Ocean to animals, including mountain lions, in California.

  6. Animals

    Big cats hunt livestock when wild prey is scarce

    Lions, tigers and other big cats tend to hunt livestock only after their wild prey has dropped in availability, a new study shows.

  7. Animals

    Don’t let Cecil the lion distract from the big conservation challenges

    Cecil the lion’s death rocketed across the news and social media. But there are bigger conservation challenges that need attention, too.

  8. Animals

    For jaguars, armored prey is no obstacle

    With big heads, thick teeth and strong muscles, jaguars have evolved to take on dangerous prey, often animals covered with thick armor.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Live antibiotics use bacteria to kill bacteria

    Certain bacteria will destroy other bacteria without harming humans. They may be an answer to antibiotic-resistant infections.

  10. Archaeology

    Chaco Canyon’s ancient civilization continues to puzzle

    A dynasty may have risen from the dead in an ancient Chaco great house.

  11. Genetics

    DNA evidence is rewriting domestication origin stories

    DNA studies are rewriting the how-we-met stories of domestication.

  12. Animals

    Vultures are vulnerable to extinction

    Life history makes vultures more vulnerable to extinction than other birds, a new study finds, but humankind’s poisons are helping them to their end.
