Search Results for: Lions

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1,316 results

1,316 results for: Lions

  1. Paleontology

    Saber-toothed cats were fierce and family-oriented

    New details shift the debate on whether Smilodon lived and hunted in packs, and answer questions about other behaviors and abilities.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Measles got a foothold in the United States this year and almost didn’t let go

    Areas of low vaccination are blamed for the United States' largest number of measles cases in more than 25 years.

  3. Earth

    Climate misinformation may be thriving on YouTube, a social scientist warns

    Analyzing 200 climate-related videos on YouTube shows that a majority challenge widely accepted views about climate change and climate engineering.

  4. Humans

    It’s time to stop debating how to teach kids to read and follow the evidence

    Most children need help learning to read, but there’s long-standing disagreement on how best to help them. Decades of research have identified the most effective approaches.

  5. Animals

    Insects’ extreme farming methods offer us lessons to learn and oddities to avoid

    Insects invented agriculture long before humans did. Can we learn anything from them?

  6. Life

    This spider slingshots itself at extreme speeds to catch prey

    By winding up its web like a slingshot, the slingshot spider achieves an acceleration rate far faster than a cheetah’s.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Rare eastern equine encephalitis has killed 9 people in the U.S. in 2019

    2019 is the worst eastern equine encephalitis outbreak since tracking began in 2003, with 31 cases and nine deaths from the brain infection so far.

  8. Paleontology

    A flexible bone that helps mammals chew dates back to the Jurassic Period

    A flexible bone that helps with chewing may have helped give rise to the Age of Mammals, a new fossil shows.

  9. Animals

    With a litter of tactics, scientists work to tame cat allergies

    New research may reduce the allergen levels of house cats or make people less reactive to our feline friends.

  10. Anthropology

    Ancient humans used the moon as a calendar in the sky

    Whether the moon was a timekeeper for early humans, as first argued during the Apollo missions, is still up for debate.

  11. Animals

    These seals haven’t lost their land ancestors’ hunting ways

    Clawed pawlike forelimbs help true seals hunt like their land-dwelling ancestors.

  12. Animals

    Slower speed, tricky turns give prey a chance against cheetahs and lions

    A bonanza of data on wild predators running shows that hunting is more than sprinting.
