Search Results for: Lions

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1,308 results
  1. Ecosystems

    Google works on a different web

    Page ranking system inspires algorithm for predicting food webs’ vulnerability.

  2. Life from scratch

    Relaunching biology from the beginning.

  3. Earth

    Fossil of a walking seal found

    A fossil skeleton discovered in the Canadian Arctic could represent a missing link in pinniped evolution.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Genome 10K: A new ark

    Featured blog: Researchers are working to catalog the DNA sequences of just about every vertebrate genus.

  5. Stomach’s Sweet Tooth

    Turns out taste is not just for the tongue.

  6. Animals

    SOS: Call the ants

    Emergency ant workers bite at snares, dig and tug to free trapped sisters

  7. Life

    It’s not their dirty mouths

    Komodo dragons kill prey with venom, not oral bacteria, study suggests.

  8. Humans

    America’s worst oil disaster still isn’t over

    Impacts of the Exxon Valdez oil spill linger.

  9. Dressing up dinos

    Adding soft tissue to bone helps scientists, paleoartists bring ancient creatures to life.

  10. Ecosystems

    Exxon Valdez killed future for some killer whales

    An Alaskan oil spill disrupted family structure in killer-whale groups, with lasting and dramatic repercussions.

  11. Earth

    Exxon Valdez 20 Years Later

    March 24 marked the 20th anniversary of the Exxon Valdez oil spill. The effects are still obvious today. A series of blogs from senior editor Janet Raloff describes the continuing aftermath.

  12. Life

    Supreme Court lifts restriction on Navy sonar testing

    Justices overturn restrictions that require Navy to stop using sonar when marine mammals are within 2,200 yards of vessels.
