Search Results for: Lions

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1,316 results

1,316 results for: Lions

  1. Letters

  2. Life

    Killer whale mama’s boys live longer

    Survival benefits may explain females’ extended life span following menopause.

  3. Life

    Scent Into Action

    Rodent responses to a whiff of predator may offer clues to instinct in the brain.

  4. Earth

    Icelandic volcanoes slumber today, but not forever

    Eruptions pepper the North Atlantic island.

  5. Life

    Carnivores can lose sweet genes

    A gene involved in taste detection has glitches in some, but not all, highly carnivorous mammals.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Little Mind Benders

    Parasites that sneak into the brain may alter your behavior and health.

  7. Life

    Don’t trust any elephant under 60

    Herds with older leaders are more attuned to danger, a study finds.

  8. Lopped Off

    Removal of top predators trickles through the food web.

  9. Genetics

    Factory of Life

    Synthetic biologists reinvent nature with parts, circuits.

  10. Life

    Pigeons rival primates in number task

    Trained on one-two-three, the birds can apply the rule of numerical order to such lofty figures as five and nine.

  11. Life

    Your gut microbes are what you eat

    A mammal's diet strongly influences what kinds of microorganisms live in its intestines.

  12. Mixed Results

    Having the right blend of animal personalities can make or break a group
