Search Results for: Forests

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5,442 results

5,442 results for: Forests

  1. Paleontology

    Northern Extinction: Alaskan horses shrank, then disappeared

    Horses that lived in Alaska shrank dramatically in body size before they went extinct at the end of the last ice age.

  2. Humans

    Science News of the Year 2004

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2004.

  3. Animals

    Where’d I Put That?

    Birds that hide and recover thousands of separate caches of seeds have become a model for investigating how animals' minds work.

  4. Anthropology

    The Forager King

    A celebrated anthropologist surprises and inspires his biographer.

  5. What’s Worth Saving?

    A fracas over a biological term could have huge consequences for conservation.

  6. Chopping up a microbial tail

    An enzyme made by immune cells destroys the proteins that make up bacterial tails.

  7. Archaeology

    Art on the Rocks: Dating ancient paintings in the caves of Borneo

    By dating the mineral deposits on top of cave paintings in Borneo, archaeologists have pushed back the date of earliest human habitation on the island by at least 5,000 years.

  8. Earth

    Danger on Deck?

    The Environmental Protection Agency no longer allows residential installation of pressure-treated lumber and recommends the application of sealant to prevent leaching of carcinogens out of existing lumber structures.

  9. 19312

    I feel compelled to respond to this article. No one can enter and leave the wilderness without a trace, whether on foot, bike, horse, all-terrain vehicle (ATV), skis, snowmobile, or snowshoes. However, rock climbing is among the least invasive outdoor activities. Apparently, someone with a personal vendetta against rock climbers discovered that a snail population […]

  10. Earth

    Ice age forest spruces up ecology record

    Scientists have recently discovered a 10,000-year-old forest buried in the sand in Michigan.

  11. Ecosystems

    Worm Attacks: Invading earthworms threaten rare U.S. fern

    An unusual study of the effects of invading earthworms on North American plants finds that the exotics might be on the way to killing off a rare fern.

  12. Earth

    High-Flying Science, with Strings Attached

    In the hands of scientists, kites do serious data gathering.
